DISCOVER Oslo startups

Funding data and any possible statistic on Oslo startups and the local ecosystem. See how the local ecosystem scores against the European competition of startup hubs in the statistics below. If you have your own startup company find funding calls and accelerator programs to apply to, see statistics on previous participants of these programs. You can see the statistics on total investment raised, female founders or foreign-born and migrant founders in this tech hub.

All of the data is curated by the DEEP research team and comes from 1st party sources like the Annual Startup Heatmap Survey or our monitor for job creation, news mentions and female founders. Other data comes from 3rd party sources like Dealroom, Crunchbase or Stackoverflow.

To get a list of the best startup cities you can find Europe's top ecosystems in our search or get a ranking of the best accelerators in Europe.

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ECOSYSTEM Data and statistics on Oslo startups

What do I see here?Ecosystem Data is based on 1st and 3rd party research. Each source is individually checked and validated.




Evan J. Andriopoulos, CEO of Visiple

based in Jessheim, Norway

“Visiple is a startup that focuses on developing and distrbuting relevant communication and collaboration technology. Visiple has chosen Jessheim as it is a fast growing small town, many of it´s residents commute 45-90 minutes to work which makes it ideal for test users. There is a small startup and innovation environment that I believe will grow tremendously as the small city continues to evolve. Jessheim is 10 minutes from Gardermoen (Main Airport in Norway) and from 45 minutes from most major companies in Norway that are based in greater Oslo. Visiple always has prided itself as being “on the top of the wave of change” and Jessheim along with New London County, Connecticut (our other hub) are the places we feel are best for our growing company.”

Are you an international founder based here? We would like to hear your story and share it for others to learn from your experience! Please share your story with us here!