ESA BIC Madrid Region

ESA BIC Madrid Region is the Business Incubation Centre of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Community of Madrid, coordinated by the madri+d Foundation, which provides incentives to enable entrepreneurs (incubatees) to receive commercial and technical assistance in order to set up their business using space technology for general non-space industrial, scientific and commercial uses (“spin-off”) or using non space technology for proposing products and services for the space sector (“spin-in”).

What do I see here?The Heatmap Trust Score is a measurement of popularity of a startup location based on the recommendations of founders in Europe

ESA BIC Madrid Region Scores & Details

Popularity Score:90/100
not available99th Rank
Foreign-Born Founders:12/100
11% foreign-born founders106th Rank
Female Founders:29/100
11% female founders85th Rank
Investments Score:2/100
30,557,679 € raised79th Rank
Follow-on Funding Rate:27/100
21% of startups70th Rank
Job Creation:7/100
380 jobs created53rd Rank
Purpose Focus:7/100
3 impact startups54th Rank
Equity Asked:0/100
0% equityth Rank
Investment Offered:64/100
50,000 €33rd Rank
Business Model: No costs
Duration in Weeks: 104
Next Application Deadline: Rolling Admission
Applications usually open:
Next Starting Date:   

Our Data on ESA BIC Madrid Region

What do I see here?The Heatmap Trust Score is a measurement of popularity of a startup location based on the recommendations of founders in Europe


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