buildit Latvia

Buildit is an accelerator that supports hardware and IoT startups in turning an idea into a tangible, market-worthy product.

Our experience is based on 10 acceleration programs that have been run in Estonia (2014) and continued in Latvia since 2018.

Our program is specifically designed for IoT and hardware startups according to the current situation. We think that four intensive weeks were are covered four main topics during the four months is what is needed for IoT / hardware startup to be ready to raise the Seed investment they deserve.

What do I see here?The Heatmap Trust Score is a measurement of popularity of a startup location based on the recommendations of founders in Europe

buildit Latvia Scores & Details

Popularity Score:90/100
not available99th Rank
Foreign-Born Founders:32/100
29% foreign-born founders65th Rank
Female Founders:47/100
18% female founders48th Rank
Investments Score:1/100
23,422,119 € raised84th Rank
Follow-on Funding Rate:27/100
21% of startups69th Rank
Job Creation:3/100
189 jobs created79th Rank
Purpose Focus:7/100
3 impact startups54th Rank
Equity Asked:37/100
not available42nd Rank
Investment Offered:64/100
50,000 €33rd Rank
Business Model: Equity
Duration in Weeks: 18
Next Application Deadline: Rolling Admission
Applications usually open:
Next Starting Date:   

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