We have experience in connecting startups and corporations with creating maximum value from their cooperation. Above all our traditional focus is downstream space technologies but we are open-minded so you can apply with a project not connected to them. Therefore we are looking for a solutions in the field of IoT, AR/VR, Smart City, Prop-Tech, and AI. Moreover, solutions for maximizing engagemnet of employees, innovative ideas on HR platofrms, Hardware and Software. As much as solutions for seaports, telecomunnications companies, spedition, gas stations, aerospace industry and many more. Join the startup accelerator program!
What do I see here?The Heatmap Trust Score is a measurement of popularity of a startup location based on the recommendations of founders in Europe
Space3ac Scores & Details
Our Data on Space3ac
What do I see here?The Heatmap Trust Score is a measurement of popularity of a startup location based on the recommendations of founders in Europe