DISCOVER Lisbon startups

Funding data and any possible statistic on Lisbon startups and the local ecosystem. See how the local ecosystem scores against the European competition of startup hubs in the statistics below. If you have your own startup company find funding calls and accelerator programs to apply to, see statistics on previous participants of these programs. You can see the statistics on total investment raised, female founders or foreign-born and migrant founders in this tech hub.

All of the data is curated by the DEEP research team and comes from 1st party sources like the Annual Startup Heatmap Survey or our monitor for job creation, news mentions and female founders. Other data comes from 3rd party sources like Dealroom, Crunchbase or Stackoverflow.

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See our latest statistics

Popularity Score:87/100
12% of founder vote6th Rank
Popularity Growth:100/100
7% increase YoY1st Rank
Global Connectivity:86/100
32 connectivity points8th Rank
Brand Visibility:7/100
7 visibility points23rd Rank
Foreign Founders:33/100
22% foreign-born founders36th Rank
Female Founders:83/100
16% female founders18th Rank
Developer Availability:16/100
3,350 developers29th Rank
Industry Connections:57/100
41% endorsements by founders45th Rank
Investment Raised:9/100
268mn € avg./yr.28th Rank
Investment Growth:100/100
312% growth of 3yr average7th Rank
1,398mn € avg./yr.23rd Rank
Value for Money:79/100
56% founder endorsements19th Rank
Jobs Creation:1/100
5 jobs created last month43rd Rank
Purpose Orientation:27/100
380% signal strength7th Rank
Ease of Doing Business:64/100
45% founder endorsements38th Rank
Entrepreneurial Universities:29/100
752 university founders17th Rank
EIT InnoEnergy Business BoosterNetworking2025-10-2222/10/2025
Web SummitConference2025-11-1010/11/2025
Call TourismFunding2050-12-31open end
maze xAccelerator2034-02-2020/02/2034
Program NameCityEquityFunding
Building Global InnovatorsLisbon315,000.00
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries (filtered from 148 total entries)

ECOSYSTEM Data and statistics on Lisbon startups

What do I see here?Ecosystem Data is based on 1st and 3rd party research. Each source is individually checked and validated.




Thuha Nguyen, Casafari

Needless to say, I work in one of the coolest places in Lisbon, Portugal – Lx Factory. I moved here from Sweden because I got this great job opportunity to work for a startup company called Casafari, and I’m so happy I did. Settling in was a bit tricky, since the apartment situation was a bit difficult in the beginning, but if you are persistent and flexible, anything can be solved. I had never been to Portugal before this but my gut feeling told me that I would love it. Who doesn’t love tropical weather, the Mediterranean and beautiful cities? I needed inspiration and motivation in life, and moving to Lisbon gave me a push. Coming from a European country, it wasn’t really difficult to settle in since I didn’t have to bother with the whole Visa process, etc. My recommendations is that you just try to settle in as soon as possible – find your favourite coffee shop, make new friends, wander around your neighbourhood and really get to know it. The sooner something feels familiar, the more comfortable you will be. Don’t be afraid to ask and if something doesn’t feel right, sit down and try to think of the situation and how you can change it. Everything is up to you in the end! Take initiative and don’t be scared to ask for help. Many people have been in the same situation as you. One thing that also helped me settle in Lisbon was my job. Casafari has a very good vibe, a nice atmosphere and most importantly; a welcoming one. I never felt uneasy here – quite the contrary. I love working for a startup and it really feels like I have more to say, more to work with and a team that is both supportive and friendly. Casafari values curiosity and the desire to learn and grow, which reflects my personality. So – what do I recommend for potential arrivals that will come to Lisbon? – Be aware that it can be tricky to find a place to rent, but not impossible! – Go explore the wonderful city and walk around (it’s the best way to see Lisbon) – Find friends through work, gym, groups on FB, etc. There’s a big Expat group here! – Be true to yourself and do whatever makes you feel happy. Listen to your intuition and be open minded. But most importantly… Don’t forget to enjoy the moment and enjoy Lisbon! Good luck to every potential arrival, I know you will love this city as much as I do!

Are you an international founder based here? We would like to hear your story and share it for others to learn from your experience! Please share your story with us here!

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